Friday, February 4, 2011

Now You See it

Cable News finally thought it had one up on Twitter and Facebook but then the Hosni people said "no more television." The Hosni people smashed all the cameras and threatened reporters. We'll have to see if frustrating Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow gets him in real trouble. Social Networking has been credited for enabling these revolts to happen. It's unclear to me how TV helps especially when the coverage becomes the center of the story and the underlying story becomes secondary. And by the time the going gets really rough, not the fire or the shooting or the earthquake itself- TV is long gone. What did it do for Haiti? There is a long long long road for the Haitian people but TV (other than PBS News Hour) is long gone. Come on Google, come up with something to get the hardwork done.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

GOP: Good Opposition Party

For one, I hope the Republicans keep repeating "the America can be Greece" talking point. I hope they keep telling us how bad it is and that the America we all love hangs in the balance. I hope they keep telling us that the only way to avert this apocalypse is to cut government spending. I hope they do this right through the next election. Nobody cares and and no one believes them. On election day what will matter is whether the unemployment rate has come down and whether the world feels like it's on the brink of anything that could harm us. Republicans are great at being the party in opposition, not the party in power.